Ch: 2 - Discovering Your Own Character (part 1)

We had a good study tonight. We studied pages 36 and 37 and a bit of 38. For homework we'll finish pages 38 - 42.

We talked about our own purposes, strengths, and growth areas. How we can balance expectations of ourselves and our partners.

Homework: Write a statement of your current purposes in life. Consider including ones that give you direction and goals in life. What do you consider as "succsess" in life? What are your roles? What is important? Share what you write with a close friend or family member, and then edit it based on any valuable feedback they give you. Put the statement somewhere visible where you'll see it regularly, and remember to act acording to it. After a few days or weeks, reassess whether these are truly your purposes, and edit the statement as needed. Do you see these as purposes that will be with you for a brief period or a lifetime?


  1. Dad says: When he commits to loving and safe relationship - no matter what happens...

    To each of my children - wait to marry and only then if you are satifsied if he is dedicated to your happiness and safety forever. If he can't or won't do it wait until he will or look for someone who will. Women are naturally more nurturing than men - pick a man who won't be so frugal with their love, security, loyalty etc.

  2. To each of my children: Be all you can be with all that you have learned. Find work that pleases you. Wait to marry…and only then if you are satisfied that your potential husband is able to dedicate himself to your happiness and security, forever. Ask him if he will tell you that he will so dedicate himself, in those words. Don’t forget the “forever” part. If he can’t/won’t do it…wait for him until he can/will. Or get someone else who can declare “forever”.

    Men hold much of the power in assuring that marriages succeed. Women are naturally more nurturing than men, yet women require the love and security of knowing their mate will stand by them always. Most men seem to withhold that love and safety, metering it out reluctantly. Pick a man who won’t be so frugal…


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