EFT Tip: Don't Let Stress, Anger and Worry Hurt your Marriage

This is about using something called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - a way to use knowledge of yourself and biofeedback understanding and control of your emotions with acupressure point tapping - to manage stress and emotions. What do you think about this idea? the following article? I really like EFT tapping and have worked with several friends with it sometimes successfully helping myself and them with physical and emotional things. a 7+ minute video about is can be viewed here http://www.emofree.com. I like it a lot.

What if I told you there is an easy to learn, easy to use, healing technique that even a 6 year old child could master? This technique is one that could significantly raise your happiness quotient and turn your marriage into the fun and intimate relationship you've always desired. The technique is called EFT, short for Emotional Freedom Techniques. I am thrilled to share some basics with you to address three common marital complaints. Stress, Anger and Worry!
" When you feel stressed, tap it away!
" When your temper flares, return to neutral!
" When worry strikes, let it go!
EFT is form of energy healing modeled on acupuncture principles that entails tapping on specific meridian points to re-balance the body's energy system. Gary Craig, Stanford Engineer, founded EFT in 1995 and has made available the steps to learning the process on his website.
These are 5 brief steps to using EFT.
1. Assign an intensity level, or your Subjective Units of Distress (SUD's) using a 0 - 10 Scale. 10 being the most pain or discomfort. Just take a guess at the pain and give it a number. This will help you track your progress.
2. Create a Set-up statement using the "Even though I have this", expression. Rub the set-up point (sore spots or Karate Chop point) while repeating the Set-up statement 3 times. E.g. "Even though I'm really angry at my wife for embarrassing me in front of my friends last night, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."
3. Create reminder phrases as you tap on the meridian points. Your reminder phrase is a shortened version of your Set-up phrase. "I can't believe she said that." "I feel so betrayed." Use the pads of your fingers to tap on both sides of the body. Gently yet firmly tap on each of the 10 points. I can email you a diagram of the Eyebrow, Side Eye, Under Eye, Under Nose, Chin, Collar bone, Under Arm, Liver Spot, Wrists and Top of Head points.
4. Re-assess your SUD's level after a round or 2 of tapping.
5. Repeat steps 2 -4 until the issue is resolved.
Now, for the juicy part. Let's see how EFT can make your marriage marvelous!
When stressed, use EFT to eliminate the stress. One fabulous technique I learned is from Steve Munn, my Level 2 and further training instructor. It's called "Clearing the Day" with EFT. Before bed, identify all the things that bothered you today. Did you over eat, miss a deadline, yell at the kids, forget something important. Use the EFT steps above and tap away in a stream of consciousness fashion at all the things that bothered you. Breathe deeply as you tap and feel the stress melt away. Now, you will not be bringing this stress to your spouse. You've successfully released it without the need to unload it!
When angry, reach for EFT. If you feel the anger, skip the set up process. Go for the tapping points and simply rant! State firmly and strongly how you are wronged. For example, "I can't believe he didn't call." "That's what cell phones are for." "Why am I on the bottom of his list?" "Don't I matter at all?" "I would never do that to him." "He's 2 hours late and he finally called." You get the idea. Ranting while tapping and taking nice deep breaths in between will calm you beyond your wildest dreams. If you'd rather be calm than angry, then give it a try!
Worrying is taxing on the body. It is an energy drain. Let's say you are worried about finances and not having enough money to live your dream. Create a set up phrase using EFT like, "Even though I can't afford a new car, and I never have enough money, and I've always been broke, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." Say this three times while using the Set Up technique, then begin tapping using reminder phrases. Notice how your SUD's level (units of distress) melt away. You will let that worry go and find yourself at peace.
Stress, anger and worry are destructive to marriage. Give EFT a try and let peace return to you, and the fun and intimacy you crave return to your marriage.
Carla C. Hugo is an experienced Life Coach and EFT Practioner, helping clients heal their relationships using the techniques of Awareness, Appreciation, Connection and Self-Love. She and her husband Darren are living examples of how these steps can turn a marriage around and create a life abundant with joy and appreciation. Visit Carla on the web at http://www.getcoached.com/top_ten.html - Send an email to carla@getcoached.com with Relationship in the subject line for more helpful tips.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carla_Hugo
