Happily Married for 31 Years


This link is GREAT about showing respect within a marriage: Just Because You're Married Doesn't Mean....

And this entry on a blog was great too:
Been very happily married 31 years, and hopefully it will last (I don't take anything for granted).

Maybe that is the first on my list, don't take anything for granted, including your partner.
Some of it is luck, complimentary personalities and hard work.
I think our marriage has been a component of all three, and plus we haven't had to face the kind of situations that make even the best couples marriages fall apart.

we are respectful, don't shout or insult each other, don't fart or burp our brains out in front of each other (we don't subscribe to the familiarity breeds contempt idea), support each other, give each other space, no nagging, creative or humorous means to resolve annoying habits-attempts to nag and issues, be flexible, and don't let yourself go. Accept and support your partner's right to spend some time alone with family, and friends (hobbies or guy/gal night out). No negative gossiping with others about spouse or letting others make disparaging remarks about spouse. Work on making each others lives FUN! and NOT get caught into the idea that it is your spouse's job to entertain you.
