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From: "The Hendricks Institute" <news@hendricks.com>
Date: July 1, 2011 5:35:05 AM GMT+08:00
Subject: The Manifestation Course-Welcome!

The Ten Principles and Practices That Create Love,
Abundance and Vibrant Wellbeing
Designed and Taught By Gay Hendricks, Ph.D.

I'm Gay Hendricks, and I'll be your guide as you work with the

For three decades it's been my life purpose and great pleasure to
teach the principles and practices of manifestation. The material in the
course is sacred to me. In addition, Kathlyn and I are our own best
customers: We use all these principles and practices daily in our own lives.
The material in the course has made my life magnificent beyond anything I
could have imagined. I've used the principles to open up to true love
(twenty-five years of a wonderful marriage), real wealth (both financial
abundance and deep satisfaction) and genuine peace of mind. I can't think
of anything more important than learning the material in this course.

So, I congratulate you on taking the courageous step of mastering the
principles and practices of manifestation. I believe they are essential to
living a fully realized life, and I'm deeply grateful that I discovered these
concepts and figured out how to apply them to my life. I sometimes wish
someone had taught them to me earlier in my life, which is why I want to
make sure everyone who wants to know about manifestation has the

Now to the practical steps:
Every other day you'll get a new concept to master. Read the material,
savor it, try it on in your body, mind and spirit. Each piece of material is
incredibly distilled—be prepared to think about it over and over.
I highly recommend that you keep a journal to record your responses
to the material. The more you put into it, the more you'll get out of it.
Now, if you're ready to invite a new flow of genuine magnificence into
your life, work through the first lesson and enjoy the journey!

You're already a manifestation genius—I guarantee it. Now, all you
have to do is hitch your genius to your heart's desires instead of your default

I realized 30 years ago that I was an absolute genius at
manifestation…with one big problem. My problem was that my genius was
hitched to my unconscious programming instead of what I consciously
wanted to create.

By 24 years old I had managed to attract several women in a row who
abandoned me. Anyone who can create the same pattern with three or four
different women is a genius. I'd also managed to create a job I hated and a
house I didn't want to live in. I also weighed 320 pounds (instead of the
190 I weighed this morning,) and I had a heavy cough from sucking on two
packs of Marlboros a day. I was an absolute genius at created a life I hated.
By 24 I had mastered the art of making myself miserable.

Fortunately I woke up from this trance. I realized my pattern of
getting abandoned was a replay of getting abandoned just after I was born.
It had happened 24 years before, but I was still repeating it in my adult
relationships. My slow suicide from cigarettes and obesity wasn't even
original: My father had eaten and smoked himself to death by 32, leaving a
young widow and a child he never got to see (me.) My father's death put
my mother into a downward-spiral, which led to my getting abandoned. And
here I was, unconsciously repeating the same patterns decades later. Worse
yet, I was well on my way to leaving my own infant daughter an orphan.
Anyone who can do that is a genius. I realized that if I could
unconsciously attract one woman after another who abandoned me, I could
just as easily re-write that script and consciously attract women who loved
me. I re-wrote my script, and my marriage to Kathlyn has been for twentyfive
years the greatest treasure of my life.

I realized I could invent a new body—one of my own design instead of
a dead man's design. It took me a year to lose the first hundred pounds. It
took me a few day's of discomfort to quit wanting cigarettes. I felt better
than I ever had in my life, but I didn't stop there. I went on to invent work I
love, in a field I never knew existed until I was in my twenties. It's taken
daily focus to create a magnificent life, but I haven't had a dull moment in
thirty-some years of working on it.

I know it can be done—my question to you is:
Are you willing to make a commitment to creating a magnificent life?
If you are, make a bold step right now. Say the following sentence out
loud, filling in the blank with your name. Say it out loud and mean it:
I, ________, commit to creating a magnificent life, measured by my
own chosen standards.

Say it out loud right now, and repeat it out loud several times.
If you won't make this commitment right now, put the
MANIFESTATION COURSE away and come back later when you're ready. I
mean it. The material is too precious to waste on yourself if you're not
ready to commit. This may not be the right time for you.
However, if the time is right, say the sentence out loud.

After you've done that, take a moment to pause and relax. Take a few
deep breaths and celebrate yourself for making that commitment. You have
my heartfelt congratulations.

Here is an affirmation to float through your mind and try on in your
body this week:

I free my natural genius to create my magnificent life.
Now and then as you proceed through your week, say the affirmation
quietly and sincerely in your mind. Try on the idea in your body…relax into
it until you feel like you own it.

Until next time, breathe deeply and savor each precious moment of
your life!

With love,

©2009 The Hendricks Institute
Information on cyber-courses and 'live' seminars, always available at

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