Preparation: Components for a Successful Bahá’í Marriage

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Marriage Preparation

"Careful preparation for marriage is an essential first step in the preservation of Bahá'í marriage." (Universal House of Justice: Introduction to Preserving Bahá'í Marriages compilation, item 3)


"…[M]an and woman should truly be friends, and should be in sympathy with one another. Their understanding should have a basis in reality…." ('Abdu'l-Bahá: quoted in Agnes Ghaznavi Sexuality, Relationships and Spiritual Growth, p. 121)


"In the context of the society in which your family now lives, a society in which materialism, self-centeredness and failing marriages are all too common, your sons may well feel that it is wise to have a long period of courtship in which the prospective partners spend much time together and become thoroughly acquainted with each other's character, background and family. … [I]n a relationship in which such a decision [to marry] has not been taken and in which the law of chastity is strictly observed, there is no objection, in principle, to a prolonged friendship in which the two individuals entertain the possibility of marrying each other at some time in the future." (A letter from the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer: August 28, 1994, cited in Marriage Can Be Forever—Preparation Counts!, p. 141)

Know One Another's Character

"Bahá'í marriage is the commitment of the two parties one to the other, and their mutual attachment of mind and heart. Each must, however, exercise the utmost care to become thoroughly acquainted with the character of the other, that the binding covenant between them may be a tie that will endure forever."('Abdu'l-Bahá: Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, #86)

For a list of qualities, see Relationships

Practice Equality

"This principle [of the equality of the sexes] is far more than the enunciation of admirable ideals; it has profound implications in all aspects of human relations and must be an integral element of Bahá'í domestic and community life. The application of this principle gives rise to changes in habits and practices which have prevailed for many centuries." (From a letter written on behalf of The Universal House of Justice to an individual believer: January 24, 1993)

"Bahá'í men have the opportunity to demonstrate to the world around them a new approach to the relationship between the sexes, where aggression and the use of force are eliminated and replaced by cooperation and consultation. The Universal House of Justice has pointed out in response to questions addressed to it that, in a marriage relationship, neither husband nor wife should ever unjustly dominate the other, and that there are times when the husband and the wife should defer to the wishes of the other, if agreement cannot be reached through consultation; each couple should determine exactly under what circumstances such deference is to take place." (From a letter written on behalf of The Universal House of Justice to an individual believer: January 24, 1993)

Practice Chastity

"One speck of chastity is greater than a hundred thousand years of worship and a sea of knowledge." ('Abdu'l-Bahá, cited in a letter
November 26, 2003, to the Bahá'ís of Iran from the Universal House of Justice)

"…[T]he Bahá'í conception of sex is based on the belief that chastity should be strictly practiced by both sexes, not only because it is in itself highly commendable ethically, but also due to its being the only way to a happy and successful marital life. Sex relationships of any form, outside marriage, are not permissible therefore…" (On behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer: Lights of Guidance, #1157)

"The Bahá'í teachings on sexual morality center on marriage and the family as the bedrock of the whole structure of human society and are designed to protect and strengthen that divine institution. Bahá'í law thus restricts permissible sexual intercourse to that between a man and the woman to whom he is married." (Note #134 appended to The Kitáb-i-Aqdas)

Practice Interracial Harmony

"...Bahá'u'lláh hath said that the various races of humankind lend a composite harmony and beauty of color to the whole. Let all associate, therefore, in this great human garden even as flowers grow and blend together side by side without discord or disagreement between them." ('Abdu'l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 69)

"...[Y]our statement to the effect that the principle of oneness of mankind prevents any true Bahá'í from regarding race itself as a bar to union [in inter-racial marriage] is in complete accord with the Teachings of the Faith on this point. The Bahá'í Teachings, indeed, by their very nature transcend all limitations imposed by race…." (Shoghi Effendi to a National Spiritual Assembly, Lights of Guidance, #1288)

Note: Interfaith marriages are also permitted for Bahá'ís.

Couple Decision to Marry

"Although a Bahá'í may, if he chooses, seek his parents' advice on the choice of a partner, and although Bahá'í parents may give such advice if asked, it is clear from the Teachings that parents do not have the right to interfere in their children's actual choice of a prospective partner until approached for their consent to marry." (Universal House of Justice to an individual believer: August 28, 1994, cited in Marriage Can Be Forever—Preparation Counts!, p. 141)

Request for Parental Consent and Parental Consent Process

"...[M]arriage is dependent upon the consent of both parties. Desiring to establish love, unity and harmony amidst Our servants, We have conditioned it, once the couple's wish is known, upon the permission of their parents, lest enmity and rancor should arise amongst them." (Bahá'u'lláh: Kitáb-i-Aqdas, p. 42)

"Bahá'í law places the responsibility for ascertaining knowledge of the character of those entering into the marriage contract on the two parties involved, and on the parents, who must give consent to the marriage." (Universal House of Justice to a National Spiritual Assembly: Lights of Guidance, #1231)


"…Bahá'u'lláh ordained that Bahá'í engagement should not exceed 95 days, and, although this law has not yet been applied universally, it highlights the desirability of marrying quickly once the decision to marry has been firmly taken and parental consent obtained." (Universal House of Justice to an individual believer: August 28, 1994, cited in Marriage Can Be Forever—Preparation Counts!, p. 141)

Note: For up-to-date information on whether this law applies to you, please contact the closest Bahá'íinstitution.

Bahá'í Wedding Vow

"When the consent of the parents is obtained, the only other requirement for the ceremony is the recitation by both parties in the presence of two witnesses of the specifically revealed verse: 'We will all, verily, abide by the Will of God.' The following quotations from letters written …[on behalf of Shoghi Effendi] indicate the desirability of the Bahá'í marriage ceremony being simple:

1. 'There is no ritual, according to the Aqdas [Kitáb-i-Aqdas], and …[Shoghi Effendi] is very anxious that none should be introduced at present and no general form accepted. He believes the ceremony should be as simple as possible...
2. The only compulsory part of a Bahá'í wedding is the pledge of marriage, the phrase to be spoken separately by the Bride and Bridegroom in turn, in the presence of Assembly witnesses.'" (On behalf of the Universal House of Justice: Lights of Guidance, #1294)

Contact Information for Sponsor

Susanne M. Alexander, President
Relationship & Marriage Coach; Character Specialist 
Marriage Transformation LLC 
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Phone: 800-501-6682 international toll-free or 216-255-9301 or
SKYPE: Marriage Transformation

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