Can We Dance: pg 257 "Observing Life Management Skills"

Chapter 10 - Dips and Twirls: Observing Your Partner's Moves
Page 257, Observing Life Management Skills (and working on improving ourselves)

When someone can take care of themselves there is a greater likelihood that they can be a full partner in a relationship and spend appropriate time sustaining it.

What qualifies as mature? Here are some suggestions:

Physical and LIfe Maturity 
eating healthily
vehicle and home
job/earning a living
low debt/pay bills on time

Mental Maturity
reading books and participating in lifelong learning
staying informed of current events
able to engage in problem solving conversations
expressing true self honestly and openly
respecting self and others - not trying to control or dominate them
willingness to accept others for themselves, and ourselves

Emotional Maturity
Recognizing feelings
Not being overwhelmed by feelings
Effectively expressing feelings
Taking personal responsibility and not blaming others or making excuses when things don't go smoothly
Regarding partner as a teammate not as a parent substitute
Handling challenges in life effectively and in cooperation with others
Relating well and working peacefully with parents, family, friends, neighbors and coworkers

Spiritual Maturity
having faith in a higher spiritual power
reading spiritual materials
meditating and reflecting 
praying regularly in difficult times and in good times
being willing to turn to spiritual sources for help in times of need for insight and help
wanting to do something for community and others and joyfully doing it
participating in spiritually centered activities