Chinese and English Quotations from Abdu'l-Baha

关于婚姻的问题,根据上帝的律法:首先你必须选择一个对象,然后就取决于父亲和母亲的应允。在你选择对象之前他们无权干涉。As to the question of marriage, according to the law of God: First you must select one, and then it depends on the consent of the father and mother. Before your selection they have no right of interference.
巴哈伊婚姻是两个人间的结合与诚挚的爱情。因此,他们必须十分地注意并熟悉彼此的品性。这个永恒的纽带必须由坚实的承诺来稳固,而培育和睦、情意、团结以至天长地久才应该是婚姻的出发点……Bahá'í marriage is union and cordial affection between the two parties. They must, however, exercise the utmost care and become acquainted with each other's character. This eternal bond should be made secure by a firm covenant, and the intention should be to foster harmony, fellowship and unity and to attain everlasting life...
在一个真正的巴哈伊婚姻中,两个人一定要在精神上和身体上完全地结合,从而他们才能在上帝的所有世界中达到永恒的结合,并提升彼此的精神生活。这才是巴哈伊婚姻。In a true Bahá'í marriage the two parties must become fully united both spiritually and physically, so that they may attain eternal union throughout all the worlds of God, and improve the spiritual life of each other. This is Bahá'í matrimony.
大多数的婚姻是由肉体上的关系组成的,这样的结合和关系是暂时的因为最终肉体是注定和命定要分离的。但是,巴哈人民的婚姻必须是由肉体和精神的关系共同组成的,因为夫妻两人是被同一杯美酒所沉醉,被同一无与伦比的崇高者所吸引,被同一"生命"所复苏及同一"明灯"所照亮。这才是精神的关系和天久地长的结合。同样,他们在尘世中便由坚实和不破的纽带联结在一起。Among the majority of the people marriage consists of physical relationship and this union and relationship is temporary for at the end physical separation is destined and ordained. But the marriage of the people of Bahá must consist of both physical and spiritual relationship for both of them are intoxicated with the wine of one cup, are attracted by one Peerless Countenance, are quickened with one Life and are illumined with one Light. This is the spiritual relationship and everlasting union. Likewise in the physical world they are bound together with strong and unbreakable ties
当两个人之间在身体上和精神上都存在着关系、结合及一致时,那便是真正的结合,因而便能永久。但是如果结合只是身体上的,毫无疑问这样的结合是暂时的,而最终的分离也是不可避免的。When relationship, union and concord exist between the two from a physical and spiritual standpoint, that is the real union, therefore everlasting. But if the union is merely from the physical point of view, unquestionably it is temporal and at the end separation is inevitable.

因此,当巴哈人民渴望进入神圣的婚姻的结合中时,他们之间必须有永恒的连接、理想的关系、精神和物质上的关于生活的思想及概念。这样,在存在界的所有等级和上帝的所有世界中这个结合都将持续到永远,因为这种真正的结合是上帝之爱的荣光。Consequently when the people of Bahá desire to enter the sacred union of marriage, eternal connection and ideal relationship, spiritual and physical association of thoughts and conceptions of life must exist between them, so that in all the grades of existence and all the worlds of God this union may continue forever and ever for this real union is a splendor of the light of the love of God.
同样的,如果一对灵魂成为真正的信仰者他们将发现自己被带领到这个关系的尊贵地位,成为怜悯者的爱的显现者并因上帝的爱之杯而振奋。毫无疑问,这样的结合与关系是天长地久的。Likewise if the souls become real believers they will find themselves ushered into this exalted state of relationship, becoming the manifestors of the love of the Merciful and exhilarated with the cup of the love of God. Undoubtedly that union and relationship is eternal.
那些自我牺牲的灵魂与人类世界的缺陷隔离开来,并摆脱了这个转瞬即逝的世界的镣铐。神圣的联合之光肯定将照耀到他们的心田中,在永恒的乐园中他们将找到理想的关系、联合及幸福。The souls who sacrifice self, become detached from the imperfections of the realm of man and free from the shackles of this ephemeral world, assuredly the splendors of the rays of divine union shall shine in their hearts and in the eternal paradise they shall find ideal relationship, union and happiness.
'Abdu'l-BaháBaha'i World Faith - 'Abdu'l-Bahá Section, p. 372
阿博都巴哈,《巴哈伊世界信仰 — 阿博都巴哈部分》,英文版,第372