5 Love Languages| Learn More about How You and Others "Hear" and Communicate Love

"The first Taráz and the first effulgence which hath dawned from the horizon of the Mother Book is that man should know his own self and recognize that which leadeth unto loftiness or lowliness, glory or abasement, wealth or poverty.." ~Bahá'u'lláh

5 Love Languages. To know ourselves and know our loved ones - could lead to more harmony. I took of these quizzes and can see how this information can help to improve awareness and relationships.  We did this last night and this morning, again - and reflected on what it means to have
  1. 'physical touch [pt]' or 
  2. 'receiving gifts [rg]' or 
  3. 'quality time [qt]' or 
  4. 'words of affirmation [wa]' or  
  5. 'acts of service [as]' 
be one's dominant love language (did we not get enough as a kid? did we enjoy a lot of that? are we just wired that way? all of the above?).   If I know my loved one's dominant 'love languages' for this time in their lives (because maybe next month or next year, things could shift), I could communicate love, respect, acceptance, loyalty, honor, trustworthiness much faster and more effectively - especially if I
  1. Was conscious of wanting to shift my thinking/attitude/actions to be more useful to my loved one
  2. Was determined to learn new ways to improve our communication and relationship
  3. Read about it and 
  4. Practiced the suggestions - adding from my own experience and reading and consultation with people i trust
I will try again to apply/practice today! My intention is to bring happiness to my loved ones.... extending from home outward...starting with a prayerful heart and pleasing God.

UPDATE:  Today my loved one, knowing my stronger 'love languages'  are
#2. receiving gifts and
#5. acts of service - gave me a small, thoughtful gift - twice today -
1) some small thing I mentioned that I needed and
2) a favorite fruit snack (durian - which my loved one can not stand!)  - and my reaction? warmed my heart - softened it - and I felt more secure and loved and loving.

My loved one's strong love languages are
physical touch and
quality time

I will strive to take action!!
