John Gray| Workshops and support groups help us to get in touch with feelings

I'm reading the book, Mars and Venus: Starting Over - A Practical Guide for Finding Love Again After a Painful Breakup, Divorce or Loss of a Loved One - it's about how to break up mutually and peacefully and use the time and experience to face and heal unresolved feelings (anger, sadness, fear and sorrow) in order to be stronger to be in a more loving (more mature) relationship next time going into a relationship. Still healing big unresolved feelings from the past and present, and investigating this whole world of relationships with others, self, with God, etc. It seems that sometimes we need to do this healing with experts.

On page 58 of this book it says, 
"Workshops and support groups help us to get in touch with feelings. A sustained relationship with a counselor can create the safety and trust to go deeper into our feelings. By sharing ourselves with someone who understands loss, we feel safe enough to explore deeper levels of feelings. When a counselor is trained to ask the right questions at the right time, then the hidden feelings come up and we find release."  

On page 330 it says, 
"When a man needs a mothering woman, he is wise to seek out a female therapist instead."

I don't agree with some of the ideas in this book (lack of aligning with the laws of chastity etc.) but I appreciate the candor and the ease to read about a man's perspective on healing one's heart.  
